Pay Close Attention!

I grew up with my grandparents living right in my backyard. Their house was right behind ours, on my parents’ five acres of land. The older I get, the more I can see how their presence impacted my life. As a kid and a teenager, I loved to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa. They... Continue Reading →

What Dwells Within

When writing my last post, I stumbled upon Colossians 3:16-17. Immediately I knew I hadn't found it by accident. I felt like it should be my new motto, that I should memorize it and post it on a wall somewhere. I don’t believe in having a “life verse” because if we are taking in God’s... Continue Reading →

Selfish Supplications

As I was praying the other morning, it occurred to me that my bedroom window faces east. I thought of the prophet Daniel, who “got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks,” doing so from “his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem.” (Daniel... Continue Reading →

Worshiping Christmas

In case there is any doubt, I have many fond memories of Christmas from my childhood. I remember decorating the tree with my sisters, the different ornaments we had, the glow of the lights on the tree when the living room was dark, and the anticipation of learning what was in the boxes underneath. Daddy... Continue Reading →

The Roller Coaster Ride

Life is filled with ups and downs, and we all struggle with the dips and unexpected turns. But I’ve spent my adult life feeling like my emotions respond to every situation with the equivalent of nuclear warfare. If a mountain can be made of a molehill, that is how I will react to the speed-bumps... Continue Reading →

The Joys of Discipline

Ongoing stress is wearing me down. If there is anything that has been my saving grace in all of the busyness, it is self-discipline. I often look back with gratitude on my first big lesson in discipline. I was seventeen when I started running. I had never liked running, or exercise in general, but I... Continue Reading →

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